Who we are
This CRU is an interdisciplinary team of 15 individuals including basic researchers and clinician scientists reflecting the clinical orientation of this CRU. The scientific profile of the CRU is characterized by a high degree of expertise in hematological malignancies, specifically lymphoid neoplasia (e. g. the historical “Kiel classification” for lymphoma), high-end clinical care for such patients (AIEOP-BFM studies, EsPhALL/COG 2017 study, GMALL, MRD reference laboratory for AIEOP-BFM and GMALL, reference pathology for many lymphoma studies, KULT-SH for digital healthcare in pediatric hematology/oncology) flanked by a visible and sustained collaborative research activity. The IKMB in Kiel as an internationally renowned research institution with an excellent infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies with one of four DFG-funded NGS centers (CCGA) offers a strong resource for sequencing data generation and interpretation. Thus, this will allow to integrate novel interphases between high-end basic science (Department of Immunology) and clinical groups to create interdisciplinary approaches.
At CATCH ALL we strive:
- To determine molecular characteristics defining age-specific divergent treatment responses and clonal evolution to explore oncogenic driver networks in functional models relevant to all ages
- To identify mechanisms of leukemia-specific and immunological control of ALL
- To explore novel T cell and antibody-based strategies for the immunological control of ALL
- To establish a structural environment for data generation/development, data handling and bioinformatics as well as a clinical platform for translation and back-translation of therapeutic interventions and for structured education

Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Dorothea Baldus
Claudia Baldus is the designated spokesperson of the CRU. She is board certified in Hematology and Oncology.
Participating Institutes
Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Dorothea Baldus
Department of Internal Medicine II, Hematology and Oncology
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein and Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Haus L, 24105 Kiel
Phone: 0431/500-22501
Fax: 0431/500-22504
E-Mail: claudia.baldus@uksh.de
Research Coordinator – Professorship
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Peipp
Department of Internal Medicine II, Division of Antibody-based ImmunotherapyUniversity Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein and Christian-Albrechts University Kiel
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Dr. Mildred Scheel-Haus, 24105 Kiel
Phone: +49 431/500-22769
Email: m.peipp@med2.uni-kiel.de
Dr. rer. nat. Claudia Taubenheim
Department of Internal Medicine II, Hematology and Oncology
University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Haus L, 24105 Kiel
Phone: 0431/500-18516
E-Mail: claudia.taubenheim@uksh.de