Prof. Dr. med. Gunnar Cario

Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I / University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Bldg C, 24105 Kiel
Curriculum vitae
Since 2014 | Vice Director and Senior Attending Physician, Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I, UKSH, Kiel |
Since 2011 | Vice Director and Senior Attending Physician,Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I, UKSH, Kiel |
2011 | Certification for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Board of Physicians Schleswig- Holstein |
2008-2011 | Clinical Fellow, Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, UKSH, Kiel |
2008 | Certification for Pediatrics, Board of Physicians Schleswig-Holstein |
2006-2008 | Internship/Residency, Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I, UKSH, Kiel |
2000-2005 | Internship/Residency, Department of Pediatrics, MHH |
1993-2000 | Medical School, Hannover Medical School (MHH), Hannover |
Research Experience/Academic Appointments
Since 2020 | Full Professor for Pediatric Oncology, University of Kiel |
2017-2019 | APL-Professor in Pediatrics, University of Kiel |
Since 2017 | National chair, EsPhALL2017/COGAALL1631 study |
Since 2016 | Vice chair ALL-BFM study group |
2011-2015 | Task force leader, European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents (ENCCA) |
2010 | Habilitation in Pediatrics, University of Kiel |
Since 2009 | Research coordinator ALL-BFM study group |
2008-2013 | Project leader National cancer research network (NGFN), Verbundprojekt Leukämien |
2000 | MD thesis, Hannover Medical School |
Important Scientific Prizes/Functions
2005 | Junior Award of the German Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology |
1996-2000 | Stipend of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes |
Project-related publications
P1, P3, P6, P7, Z
The IL-7R antagonist Lusvertikimab reduces leukemic burden in xenograft-ALL via antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis
P2, P1, P3, INF
Mutational and transcriptional landscape of pediatric B-cell precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma.
P1, P3, P4, INF, Z
The Gene Expression Classifier ALLCatchR Identifies B-cell Precursor ALL Subtypes and Underlying Developmental Trajectories Across Age
P1, P3, P4, Z, INF
Developmental trajectories and cooperating genomic events define molecular subtypes of BCR::ABL1-positive ALL.
P3, P6, P7, Z
Preclinical Evidence for the Efficacy of CD79b Immunotherapy in B-cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
P1, P3, P6, Z
CD79a promotes CNS-infiltration and leukemia engraftment in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
P1, P6, P7, Z