Prof. Dr. med. Martin Schrappe


Phone: +49-431-500-20102
Affiliations: Clinic for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine I / University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
Address: Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, Bldg C, 24105 Kiel

Curriculum vitae


Since 12/2004Director of Pediatrics I, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany
1996 -2004 Senior Attending Physician, Dept. of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, MHH, Hannover, Germany (head: Prof. Dr. K. Welte)
1985-87, 90-96Resident, Children’s Hospital, MHH, Hannover, Germany
12/1985 Dr. med. (Thesis in medicine)
1977-1984 Medical School, Universities of Würzburg and Hamburg, Germany

Research Experience/Academic Appointments

Since 12/2004Full Professor (C4) of Pediatrics, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany
2000 Associate Professor (C3) for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Medical School Hannover 
1987-1990DFG Research Fellow, Division of Tumor Cell Biology, Dept. of Immunology (head: Dr. R.A. Reisfeld, Ph.D.), The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

Important Scientific Prizes / Selected Functions

Since 2019Chairman of Society of Ped. Hematology and Oncology, Germany/Austria (GPOH)
2016-2018President, SIOP-Europe  
2001-2016Chairman, International BFM Study Group
Since 2017Principal Investigator, trial AIEOP-BFM ALL 2017
2009-2016Principal Investigator, trial AIEOP-BFM ALL 2009
02/2014Deutscher Krebspreis, Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (German Cancer Society)
Since 2009Member or Chair of DSMC, e.g. DCOG ALL-10, DCOG ALL-11, ALLTogether
03/1999“Leukemia Clinical Research Award 1999” of the German Society of Hematology and Oncology (DGHO)

Project-related publications

P1, P3, P6, P7, Z

The IL-7R antagonist Lusvertikimab reduces leukemic burden in xenograft-ALL via antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis

Lenk L, Baccelli I, Laqua A, Heymann J, Reimer C, Dietterle A, Winterberg D, Mary C, Corallo F, Taurelle J, Narbeburu E, Neyton SL, Déramé M, Pengam S, Vogiatzi F, Bornhauser B, Bourquin JP, Raffel S, Dovhan V, Schüler T, Escherich G, den Boer ML, Boer JM, Wessels W, Peipp M, Alten J, Antić Ž, Bergmann AK, Schrappe M, Cario G, Brüggemann M, Poirier N, Schewe DM.

P1, P3, P4, INF, Z

The Gene Expression Classifier ALLCatchR Identifies B-cell Precursor ALL Subtypes and Underlying Developmental Trajectories Across Age

Beder T, Hansen BT, Hartmann AM, Zimmermann J, Amelunxen E, Wolgast N, Walter W, Zaliova M, Antić Ž, Chouvarine P, Bartsch L, Barz MJ, Bultmann M, Horns J, Bendig S, Kässens J, Kaleta C, Cario G, Schrappe M, Neumann M, Gökbuget N, Bergmann AK, Trka J, Haferlach C, Brüggemann M, Baldus CD, Bastian L.

P1, Z

Outcomes of paediatric patients with B-cell acute lymphocytic leukaemia with ABL-class fusion in the pre-tyrosine-kinase inhibitor era: a multicentre, retrospective, cohort study

Boer ML*, Cario G*, Moorman AV*, Boer JM, de Groot-Kruseman HA, Fiocco M, Escherich G, Imamura T, Yeoh A, Sutton R, Dalla-Pozza L, Kiyokawa N, Schrappe M, Roberts KG, Mullighan CG, Hunger SP, Vora A, Attarbaschi A, Zaliova M, Elitzur S, Cazzaniga G, Biondi A, Loh ML, Pieters R.

*equally contributing first authors.

The Lancet Haematology
P1, P3, P4, Z

Integrated analysis of relapsed B-cell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia identifies subtype-specific cytokine and metabolic signatures

Schroeder MP, Bastian L, Eckert C, Gökbuget N, James AR, Tanchez JO, Schlee C, Isaakidis K, Häupl B, Baum K, Migueles Lozano OA, Kouidri K, Pan KT, Urlaub H, Schwartz S, Burmeister T, von Stackelberg A, Hoelzer D, Pfeiffer H, Rieger MA, Göllner S, Oellerich T, Horstmann M, Schrappe M, Wolf J, Kirschner-Schwabe R, Brüggemann M, Müller-Tidow C, Serve H, Neumann M, Baldus CD

P1, P3, P4, Z

Integrated analysis of relapsed B-cell precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia identifies subtype-specific cytokine and metabolic signatures

Schroeder MP, Bastian L, Eckert C, Gökbuget N, James AR, Tanchez JO, Schlee C, Isaakidis K, Häupl B, Baum K, Migueles Lozano OA, Kouidri K, Pan KT, Urlaub H, Schwartz S, Burmeister T, von Stackelberg A, Hoelzer D, Pfeiffer H, Rieger MA, Göllner S, Oellerich T, Horstman M, Schrappe M, Wolf J, Kirschner-Schwabe R, Brüggemann M, Müller-Tidow C, Serve H, Neumann M, Baldus CD

P1, P6, Z

IKZF1 plus Defines a New Minimal Residual Disease-Dependent Very-Poor Prognostic Profile in Pediatric B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Stanulla M, Dagdan E, Zaliova M, Möricke A, Palmi C, Cazzaniga G, Eckert C, Te Kronnie G, Bourquin JP, Bornhauser B, Koehler R, Bartram CR, Ludwig WD, Bleckmann K, Groeneveld-Krentz S, Schewe D, Junk SV, Hinze L, Klein N, Kratz CP, Biondi A, Borkhardt A, Kulozik A, Muckenthaler MU, Basso G, Valsecchi MG, Izraeli S, Petersen BS, Franke A, Dörge P, Steinemann D, Haas OA, Panzer-Grümayer R, Cavé H, Houlston RS, Cario G, Schrappe M, Zimmermann M

TRANSCALL Consortium; International BFM Study Group.

J Clin Oncol

Participating Institutes