Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Peipp


Phone: +49-431-500-22769
Affiliations: Division of Antibody-based Immunotherapy / University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Clinic for Internal Medicine II, Hematology and Oncology / University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel
Address: Rosalind-Franklin-Str. 12, 24105 Kiel

Curriculum vitae


12/1997-07/2003PhD thesis: molecular biology / immunology (graduation: Dr. rer. nat., with distinction)
10/1991-08/1997Course of studies: biology (graduation: diploma, 1.3, very good)

Research Experience/Academic Appointments

08/2015-07/2020Mildred-Scheel Professorship in antibody-based tumor immunotherapy (Division of stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, Kiel)
07/2012Habilitation (Division of stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, Kiel)
Since 08/2008Group leader position (Division of stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, Kiel)
04/2006-07/2008PostDoc (Division of stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, Kiel)
04/2004-03/2006PostDoc (Nephrology Department, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel)
08/2003-03/2004PostDoc (Chair of genetics, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen- Nuremberg)

Important Scientific Prizes/Functions

2016Hensel-Preis by the Hensel Foundation (100.000 Euro support)
2015Endowed Mildred-Scheel Professorship in antibody-based immunotherapy (1 Mio. Euro support)

Project-related publications

P1, P3, P6, P7, Z

The IL-7R antagonist Lusvertikimab reduces leukemic burden in xenograft-ALL via antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis

Lenk L, Baccelli I, Laqua A, Heymann J, Reimer C, Dietterle A, Winterberg D, Mary C, Corallo F, Taurelle J, Narbeburu E, Neyton SL, Déramé M, Pengam S, Vogiatzi F, Bornhauser B, Bourquin JP, Raffel S, Dovhan V, Schüler T, Escherich G, den Boer ML, Boer JM, Wessels W, Peipp M, Alten J, Antić Ž, Bergmann AK, Schrappe M, Cario G, Brüggemann M, Poirier N, Schewe DM.

Participating Institutes